Flowers for you


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Flowers for you


Many flowers for you

For peace you sow

For the truths that you claim

For the joy that you give

That you stand for justice

For the beauty that only you have.


Many flowers for you

For the sweet simplicity of its gestures

Nice for your embrace

The brightness of your eyes

For wisdom that guides their actions

For the love that people spend,

plants and animals.


Many flowers for you

For his constant pursuit of happiness

And in this quest to find happiness

Being part of a family so special

Due to its sensitivity


For all that you are

All these flowers

These are for you


And who sent you

Do you think there are few

Because you have the gift of transforming

the lives of those who approach you

In the most beautiful garden.


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With a heart full of love ...

I wish the best for you,

Joke en Nico